Thursday, February 28, 2019

Review of Thorlos Running Socks

As you probably know, I've been a runner since the 1980's and let me tell you, in all the years I've run, the best socks that I've used have been Thorlos.  I like the short style socks like their  J Running Socks.  To me, they just are the best bang for your buck.

Thorlos Socks
Thorlos Running Socks - J Style
When I was competitive back in my younger days, I tried super lightweight running socks that were paper thin. I wanted as little weight on me as possible. The problem, was that between my training and racing, the thin socks would wear out in no time.  Thorlos however, last and last.  I started wearing and racing in them in the mid 90's and I've never gone back.  I actually have a pair of long Thorlos socks, that I don't wear too often, but they are still in great shape and I've owned them since roughly 1995.

While you can find less expensive socks, the Thorlos are definitely worth the money.  A pair of Thorlos can run around $14-15 dollars per pair, but again, you'll have them for years.  Other socks from Nike and New Balance just wear out too fast in my experience.

The padding as you can see in the image is placed in the areas that take the most punishment.  The toes, heels etc all have extra padding which helps prevent blisters and provides cushion to the areas taking on a lot of force.

If there is a downside to Thorlos, I would have to say it's the same as the pros of them: The cost and the thickness.  Now I know I said the thickness was a good thing, but you will likely find that your shoes are tighter when wearing Thorlos.  I recall I even went up a shoe size on purpose just so I could wear my Thorlos.  As for the price, that is just when you buy them, but as I mentioned, once you see how long they last and how comfortable they are, you'll see they are worth every penny.

Marathon Training Update: Week of February 23rd

After a good week last week, let's take a look at how I did this week. As I mentioned in my last post, the 22nd of February marked 3 wee...