Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Book Review: Fire on the Track


If you are looking for a great book on women in running, or women in sports in general, Fire on the Track: Betty Robinson and the Triumph of the Early Olympic Women is a must read! I loved this book. It's the story of 3 women athletes that competed in the 1938, 1932 & 1936 Olympics. 

Written by Roseanne Montillo, this book follows the amazing story of Betty Robinson as she is discovered, trained, and sent to the 1928 Olympic games to compete in the 100 yard Dash. This was the frst olympics that allowed for women track athletes and it was almost the last. 

In addition to Betty Robinson's career, which I won't spoil, the book also tells the tales of Mildred Didrikson, Stella Walsh and Helen Stephens. 

What was so shocking to me, was the mentality of the people at the time. There was actually concern that not only would sports make women "manly" but that participation may even turn them into men! What the heck? I was mortified. 

Another not-so shocking part of the book talked about how the women's 800 yard run was incredibly hot and the women gave their all and some collapsed at the finish line. People that were against women in sports used this as fuel and "proof" that women didn't belong in sports. However, nobody said a word when in the Men's 800 yard, the same thing happened to the men. Many collapsing at the finish due to the heat. 

If you love running and want a good way celebrate women's history month, you should definitely pick up a copy of Fire on the Track: Betty Robinson and the Triumph of the Early Olympic Women

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Happy trails! 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Book Review: The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb


I recently finished The Perfect Mile: Three Athletes, One Goal, and Less Than Four Minutes to Achieve It by Neal Bascomb. It's the story of three runners, each trying to be the first one to break the 4 minute mile. The book follows England's Roger Bannister, Australia's John Landy and the USA's Wes Santee as they each train, compete and believe that will be the one to do the impossible.

As a runner, you will love this book! However, I think any sports enthusiast would appreciate the detailed descriptions of the races. Neal Bascomb did such a great job, that it actually feels like you are there watching these runners compete. 

There's so much I want to say about this book and the runners but I don't want to spoil it for you. I think we all know which one was successful if you know your running history, but still...the book is so well written that at times I found myself ever so briefly wondering if the others would do it first. 

If you would like to read this book, please support this blog and use the affiliate link above. I do receive a small commission just so you know. 

I Must Be Crazy - I'm Running a Marathon

Well, I made the jump! I signed up for my first Marathon. It will be the Asheville Marathon in Asheville, NC on March 15th. Let me just say,...