Thursday, September 30, 2010

Getting Back in Shape

I used to run all the time.  5 miles a day, 7 miles on Saturday & 13 miles on Sunday was my self imposed training program over the summer when I was in high school.  Then, in 1985, I moved to Miami Beach, FL from Duluth, MN, and just couldn't get acclimated to the heat.  Rather than stick with it, I got frustrated and stopped running.  I kept in shape with racquetball, weight training, and an occasional run on the beach, but nothing serious.

In 1989 I moved to Austin, TX. Once a year went by, and I was considered a TX resident, I began college.  I worked full time while studying Kinesiolgy.  I swam a lot, and did some weight training for a couple of semesters and decided I'd start running again.  In 1992, I participated in an Intramural track meet and ran a 4:42 for the 1500m!  I was back! This same year, I moved to back to Miami Beach and ran Cross Country for Florida International University.  I didn't run more than the one year, as I was working and it was too hard to make practice and have a job.  Instead, I trained myself and ran countless road races ranging from the mile to 10Ks.

In 1996 my wife an I moved to Asheville, NC where I continued to run anything from a 5K to a 10 miler.  I was loving the trails all around Asheville.  In 1997 we bought a house (which took up a lot of time), and in 1998 we had our first child...(also a lot of time).  Unfortunately, between fixing up the house and having babies, 1998, 2000 and 2002, I really let my running go.  I was just so busy, and so tired and felt like I had no time.  In hindsight, I had plenty of opportunities to run, I just didn't take them.  I did actually wake up one morning in 2000 and decided to run a Asheville Citizen-Times Half-Marathon that day.  I actually ran the whole way without stopping despite not running for about 3 years.  I should have got back into then...but I didn't.

This year, 2010, my oldest daughter joined Cross Country in Middle School.  Seeing her run and giving her and her friends advice, has really motivated me to run again, and to do what I should have been doing all along...Coach!

This blog is about my effort, to not only get back into shape, but also my effort to help others reclaim - or claim - a new level of fitness for themselves.

I'm coming up on Week 3 of my 6 Week Training Plan.  I will  have before and after pics along with stats of my progress.

1 comment:

  1. I love what you wrote for this blog and also what you named it :D ;)


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