Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Sub 8 Mile Attempt: Update

Well, my last post was October 11th when I ran a test mile to see where I was starting from. Turns out, I was very close to an 8 minute mile as my time was 8:15. I was super excited to train and hit my goal of sub 8. 

Life Finds a Screw up Progress

Well....Life happened. My job ramped up as soon as the election started gearing up. Absentees went crazy this year due to Covid-19. Early voting started in Mid-October. Election Day in early November. Since then, we have had Canvass (where we certify the election), a Statewide recount and now the possibility of an eye-hand recount. Needless to say, my running and my 5K progress all came to a screeching halt. 

I was running 2 miles almost daily with a 5 mile long run and my 5K was sub-30 which was my initial goal. After my 8:15 mile, I found it much easier to run faster times for my 2 and 3 mile routes. I think I got over excited and wasn't resting as well as I should have. Also, I was missing a week at a time and only running on weekends. Needless to say, old injuries starting hinting that they would reappear. I took time off to focus on work. As a result, I'm basically starting somewhat over. 

Hitting the Re-set Button

I have been running just a mile every other day, and this past week 1.5 miles every other day to ease back into things. My job is still crazy - yesterday I spent the day driving all over the State - but not as bad as it was the last two months. I feel good and have my winter running gear ready so I'm not going to let the cold stop me.

I will gradually up my mileage 5-10% each week and start adding back a longer run.  My goal is to hit the track once per week for speedwork like quarter repeats and get my mile below 8. 

Keep checking back for my progress and hopefully I inspire you to keep running, or get back into it.

Happy Trails!


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