Friday, July 22, 2022

100 Day Challenge: Days 2-5

 So here is a quick summary of days 2-5. It's amazing how fast things happen when you first start a program. On day one, I went out for a 30 minute run and had to walk four times as you know from my earlier blog. But check this out:

Day 2 - Tuesday, July 19th

On day two, I just went for a hike around Lake Powhatan which is near me. It's about a 1.6 mile loop on what's called the Homestead Trail. 

I did really good with my eating. No sodas. I skipped breakfast like I usually do and had Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch. I had the original recipe breast with mashed potatoes, gravy and a biscuit. It also came with a cookie, which I did eat even though I told myself I wouldn't. I can't recall what I had for dinner, but I know we cooked at home.

Day 3 - Wednesday, July 20th

On day three, I went for another 30 minute run but this time I only had to walk 2 times. However, the course I ran was flat so that probably made a difference. I did jumping jacks, windmills, hallelujahs and lunges for a warm up. 

I did ok with my eating. No sodas but I did have one serving of vanilla wafers which seemed to satisfy a cookie craving I was having. I had Sourdough toast for breakfast with butter, at leftovers for lunch and had Fried Cod and Couscous for dinner. 

Day 4 - Thursday, July 21st

Today, I planned on working out with weights. I did not. In fact, I had zero activity but that's OK. I'm allowed a rest day.

Eating however wasn't the best. I had 3 Mega Stuff Oreos. A serving size is 2 but the rest of the day I was good. No sodas or earlier snacks. I had toast for breakfast and an Arby's Double Roast Beef Sandwich for lunch. No fries and just water to drink. I had 3 slices of frozen pizza for dinner, which wasn't too bad I guess since they were small slices. One was a cauliflower crust with pepperoni. I had one slice. The other was a nicer end frozen pizza with goat cheese and spinach. I had two slices of that. 

Day 5 - Friday, July 22nd

Got up this morning and ran for 30 minutes without stopping! I was very happy as this was a pretty hilly route. Like Wednesday, I did jumping jacks, windmills, hallelujahs and lunges for a warm up. 

Food wise, I had a piece of sourdough bread with butter and an egg for breakfast. For lunch, I had a Hardee's grilled chicken BBQ sandwich. No fries, bottle of water. For dinner, I had a cheeseburger and grilled veggies consisting of zucchini, peppers and a portobello mushroom. 

I've already dropped two pounds and it hasn't even been a full week yet. I feel better believe it or not although I do have cravings. I heard the ice cream truck in the neighborhood tonight and got some ice cream sandwiches which are awesome! My plan is that I can only eat one when I break 190.

I started this 100 Day Challenge on July 18th after getting on the scale and realizing I was 197.2. The heaviest I've ever weighed. On July 22nd, I weighed in at 194.2. Again, not even a full week has passed. I've been running but have not yet started the weight training I wanted to start. Goal for next week or maybe this weekend.

Upcoming Challenges for this Weekend and Next Week

I have to work early on Saturday and it's supposed to be really hot so I doubt I'll run tomorrow. We'll see. However, since I ran today, tomorrow should be a rest day. I will aim to do weights at night if I don't run.

Sunday should be OK so I plan on running early and doing a long run of some sort. I'll try for 3 or 4 miles and I plan to run/walk as needed. 

Monday, I have to travel and get on the road early, but we'll see what happens. I really think a rest day will be ok...but I know I won't get to run on Tuesday because of my job. 

On Tuesday, it's Election Day and I have 3 counties with elections so that will be a super long day for me. 5:30 a.m. until probably 9 of 10 p.m. so I don't think I'll get a workout in. 

Wednesday, I have to travel again for work but I think I can squeeze in a run before I have to get on the road. 

I'll keep posting. Not everyday I don't think but probably like I did today. with 4 days worth. I will do better tracking my food intake. Again, I'm not doing a diet per se...just trying to eat better and cut down on sweets and sodas. 

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