Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Types of Runs to Include in your Training Plan

Running is a great way to improve overall fitness, cardiovascular health, and mental well-being. Whether you are a seasoned runner or a beginner, including different types of runs into your running plan can help you to reach your fitness goals while keeping you motivated and challenged. In this post, I'll explain the different types of runs to incorporate into your running plan, including easy runs, long runs, and speed work which includes intervals, repeats, and hills.

Easy Runs

Easy runs, also known as recovery runs or maintenance runs, are typically done at a comfortable pace where you can hold a conversation. The purpose of easy runs is to aid in recovery from harder workouts, maintain fitness, and build endurance. These runs should make up the majority of your weekly mileage and are crucial for injury prevention.

Long Runs

Long runs are an essential part of any training plan, particularly for runners preparing for races. The purpose of long runs is to build endurance and improve the body's ability to burn fat as a source of energy. These runs are usually done at a slower pace than other runs and are typically the longest run of the week. Gradually increasing the distance of your long runs is essential for building endurance and preparing for longer races.

Speed Work

Speed work involves running at a faster pace than your usual pace, and it can help improve your running performance by building strength and speed. There are several types of speed work, including intervals, repeats, and hill repeats.


Intervals involve running at a high intensity for a set amount of time, followed by a period of recovery. This type of workout can help increase your speed and endurance, and it can be done on a track or flat surface.


Repeats involve running a set distance at a high intensity and then recovering for a set amount of time before repeating the process. This type of workout can help improve your speed and endurance and can be done on a track or a flat surface.

Hill Repeats

Hill repeats involve running up a hill at a high intensity and then jogging or walking back down to recover. This type of workout can help build leg strength and improve your ability to run uphill.

Incorporating speed work into your training plan should be done gradually to avoid injury, and it is recommended that beginners start with shorter intervals or repeats.

In conclusion, incorporating a variety of runs into your training plan is crucial for achieving your running goals while minimizing the risk of injury. Easy runs and long runs should make up the majority of your weekly mileage, while speed work can be added to improve your running performance gradually. By incorporating these different types of runs into your training plan, you can make running more enjoyable, challenging, and effective.

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