Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How to Get Back in Shape

Wow...Work has been crazy and I have not been on here in forever.  Today, I ran into a woman I coached back in 2012.  She was wanting to run her first Marathon and she did!  Seeing her reminded me of all our runs and also that I've really been letting work consume me.  But it's not just work.  Since 2012, I've had a lot of MAJOR life changes.

I've separated from my wife.  Moved into my own apartment.  Filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy...which could be a blog in itself...and taken on more work responsibilities.  As a result, my running and exercise has totally stalled and I've gained 20 lbs. in about a year.

I'm now 176, and at just 5'7, that's a lot.  I find myself thinking it's too much to fix.  Too hard to run.  Too cold. Too hot.  Too late.  Too early.  Too tired at the end of the day.  Sound familiar? 

I really need to lose this weight.  But rather than the 20 lbs I've gained, I want to get to an even 150 lbs.  So 26 lbs should take me about 12 weeks.  Therefore, by September 29th, 2014, my goal is to weigh 150 lbs and be a lean, mean running machine once again.

My plan is to eat clean.  I thought about Paleo, but in all honesty, I love burgers and pasta too much and I don't mind whole wheat at all.  I know I could lose the weight faster if I went Paleo, but I'm trying to be realistic.  Clean eating isn't that hard of a change for me.  Wheat instead of white, which I do often anyway.  I will also run at least 5 days per week and lift weights on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. 

I will track my progress here to keep myself honest.

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