Thursday, September 17, 2020

Running & Weight Loss Success Story

Yesterday was the end of my 12 week Weight Watcher's Challenge. As I mentioned in my last post, I started 2020 at 197 lbs. It just seemed to creep up over an 8 year period when I went back to work after being a stay-at-home dad for almost a decade. I lost some weight thanks to a Gym Challenge I participated in and got down to 177 at one point, but thanks to Covid, finished at 185. After the challenge, I went back up to 191, and said enough is enough. 

I Needed Accountability

I started running again and even joined Weight Watchers so I felt I'd have some accountability. I can do exercise no problem, but I needed to really eat better. I love fast food, ice cream, chips, beer, etc...So I joined Weight Watchers. I signed up for a 12 Week discounted plan and figured I'd see what I could do in 12 weeks. Long story short, I started at 191 lbs. and ended at 174.8. 

Visible Results in 12 Weeks!

I have to say that my stomach is so much flatter. I even have some abs if I flex. I feel and look so much better now. An added benefit of the weight loss is that my times are getting much better too. Just the other day, I took 24 seconds off my two mile time! 

I am now 6 weeks out from my birthday so I'm going to continue with Weight Watchers and of course running and see if I can down to 160 lbs. which is what I was before i went back to work in 2012.  My ideal weight would be 150, but I think almost 25 lbs in 6 weeks is too much to lose in that period of time. The general rule of thumb is 1-2 lbs per week, so even getting to 160 (a 15lb loss) is going to be tough in 12 weeks without losing muscle.

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