Since the last post, I had family come into town so that put a damper on the training. Way more than I anticipated. Honestly, this is most likely just an excuse. I could have run but I felt like I was taking time away from them visiting. It was also very very cold with windchills in the single digits all week. Again...probably just excuses.
The week started off great! On Sunday, I went out with the intent to run 12 miles and that's exactly what I did. And I felt great before, during and after. I never had the feeling of I want to quit during the first two miles like I usually have. Best of all, the next day, I had no pain at all so I was absolutely ecstatic! I ran my usual route for my long run in the River Arts District but I went a little further down than I usually go. Turned around and on the way back, did a little bit onto the Hominy Creek trail just past the campground off Amboy Rd. If you know Asheville, you know what I'm talking about.
All in all, it was a really great run and I wanted to run farther but I was trying to be good and stick to the plan. My plan. I find that when I let my ego run my brain, I get hurt and suffer setbacks so I put myself in the role of the client/runner and listed to my coach for once (me). There were times I felt really good so I picked up the pace a little just to test the waters and I definitely pushed my self the last two miles. I ended up running the 12 miles in 2:47:43. I was watching each mile and I was ticking them off at 14 minute pace the whole way. I can't remember the last time I was that consistent the whole way on a run. Usually, my times are all over the place. Miles 9 and 10 I did slow down a tiny bit, but as I mentioned, I picked up the pace the last two miles and got myself back to the average of 14 per mile.
Monday was my assigned rest day to recover from the 12 miler.
On Tuesday, I was supposed to run but it was crazy cold with "Feels Like" temps in the single digits. I figured I'd be smart and just do my planned workout at home. I did my upper body workout and then decided to do the lower body workout as well. I figured a Tuesday/Thursday split would be good this week with family in town. The workout was great and I really like the set of resistance bands that I got for Christmas. The come in a range of "weights" that go up to 75 lbs. Overall, I was feeling great about the week!
Wednesday was really cold again. Single digit "feels like" temps. I wimped out thinking "it's too cold".
Thursday, Friday were the same. I could have run, but I wussed out because of the cold.
Today, Saturday, Jan. 11th, family left but it was once again in the single digits "feels like" and I was just so exhausted I couldn't find the motivation to run. I did manage to do my total body workout. So that's something. I almost didn't even do that but parked my butt in my office and made myself go through it. The interesting thing was that once I started - got past the Shoulder Presses, Dumbbell Rows - I was committed. I was actually looking forward to the Curls and Triceps Kickbacks and even the front and side raises. On my lower body workout, I realized/noticed something really cool too. I didn't lose balance on my split squats. On either side!! I typically having to catch myself from falling to one side or the other. So my balance has clearly improved as well as my strength. I usually feel spent after split squats but I felt pretty good tonight. Might need to add some light weight next time to see how it goes.
Tomorrow is my long run and I can't let that go by without running. I don't know that I'll run 12 plus since I didn't run this week at all, but I want to do at least 8. We'll see how I feel. I was hoping to go 13 or 14 originally but I'm afraid that'll be too much having took the whole week off.
I have to be better. No more excuses. I'm running out of time.
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