What a difference a week makes. Saturday, I posted that week's pity party, where I talked about possibly self-sabotaging my goal of running a marathon. I think that on some level, I was not taking my training seriously, because deep down, I want to go into the marathon and have to gut it out. In the past, I've been the type of person that could roll out of bed and run a half-marathon with little to no training. Deep down, I want to still be that guy. Even at 57 years old. I realize - on the surface at least - that I'm not that young, bullet proof guy anymore, but deep down I want to be. Don't we all?
I've been doing a lot of self-analysis lately. Partly because that's the sort of thing I naturally do with my clients. I analyze their times, training, mindset, etc as we go. It helps me understand them and look for signs that we need to step back, leap ahead or look for signs of overtraining. Since I'm coaching myself to this Marathon, why treat myself any different?
I was also getting certified as a life coach. I started after Thanksgiving and I am happy to say, that I finished the course and am now a certified Life Coach. I figured I'd do the exercises on my self during the course. It was very insightful and made me come to terms with things I wasn't easily aware of or things I was aware of but was avoiding. It's easier to avoid pain and seek pleasure than to deal with crap!
How Did This Week Go?
On Sunday of this week, I went out for my long run and had the best run I've had since I've started. I was a little pressed for time, plus I've been needing to cut back on the long run before progressing farther so I planned to just go out for 8 miles. Around mile 7, I decided I was going for 9 miles instead. Dropping back from 14.5 to 9 also sounded better than going all the way back down to 8 miles.
Here's the thing though! I felt so good! My legs felt good the whole time. No shin issues, no heavy legs, just relaxed and comfortable running. Two weeks ago, I was super excited to have run my long run at a 13:59 pace! I hadn't broke 14 in my long runs so it was awesome. Well, get this....my long run Sunday was at a 13:19 pace!! I didn't even feel like I was pushing it that hard. I was definitely trying to push myself a little, but I certainly didn't expect 40 seconds faster per mile for 9 miles!!
On Monday, I took a rest day from running.
On Tuesday, I missed running, but I did do a total body workout at home with my dumbbells and resistance cables. I think in past posts, I've called them resistance bands out of habit. They are really more like cables. Technically, they're surgical tubing, just FYI. I also stretched. A lot! I had stretched a lot on Saturday night, and I'm just curious to know if that's why Sunday's run felt so good.
On Wednesday, I missed my run again.
On Thursday, I missed my run...again...but I did do a total body workout at home. Again, with the dumbbells and resistance cables.
On Friday, I got my act together and went out for a short, hard run. I ran 3.07 miles in 36:10! That's an 11:47!! I had no idea I could break 12 minute pace for any distance so I was super stoked!!
On Saturday, I went on a hike with my wife. It was only about 2 miles but it felt good to be in the woods.
Saturday marked just 7 weeks left in my training. It seems to be coming so fast now. All in all, despite the missed runs, I'm feeling pretty good. 26.2 seems daunting, but that's the point isn't it?
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