Saturday, February 1, 2025

Marathon Training Update: Week of January 26th

I felt good last week despite some missed days. I had two great time breakthroughs. I crushed my long run of 9 miles and a short 3 mile run. It was a good week. I'm happy to report that this week started out great too! 

The Week in Review! What a Pain!

On Sunday, I re-upped my distance. I hiked in the morning to see some frozen waterfalls. Absolutely beautiful! I didn't get home until about 3:30 and didn't get running until 4. Knowing I'd be getting home in the dark, I wore my light up running vest. By the way, if you don't have one, I highly recommend it. Anyway, I went out and was trying to run easy. It felt super easy. Two weeks ago, I ran 14.5 miles at a 14:40 pace and I felt like I was going to die at the end. This run ended up being at a 14:05 pace and I while I felt dead at the end, it was easier than the 14.5 in terms of effort. I passed the half-marathon point in 3:03:16 which was faster than my 3:04:55 back in 2022, the last time I ran a half in a road race and faster than the last time I hit a 13.1 in a training run. I'm really seeing progress. If you had told me a year ago that I'd be running these distances, I would have told you you're crazy. What a difference  a year can make!

On Monday, I took a rest day, which is typical. I like to rest the day after my long run. It helps this old man recover faster. 16 miles takes  a lot out of a

On Tuesday I woke up with really bad back pain. I'm not sure if it was DOMS from the long run, or if it's work related. I think it could be work related in that when I get in the car, I am slinging my heavy backpack over to the passenger floorboard area. When I get out of the car, I'm hefting it up from there and across the seats as I get out. This has happened before and at the time, I had blamed it on the same thing and I wasn't running back then. Needless to say, I did not run or workout. I also started to go to the passenger side and place my backpack down and retrieve it. 

On Wednesday and Thursday, I was no better. Still in a lot of pain so I didn't do anything exercise related. 

On Friday, I felt better but not 100%. I did think about going for a short run to test the waters so to speak, but then I decided to err on the side of caution since it was the first day I didn't feel bad all day. 

Today, Saturday, Feb. 1st, I did not run, but I did go on a 4 mile hike with my wife. My back felt OK all day with the exception of one little moment when I ran/hopped across some rocks at a creek. I felt a small twinge of pain, but it went away immediately. Tomorrow is my long run which I'm determined to do despite having not run since last Sunday. If you've been keeping up with my progress, you'll know that it's not my first time doing a long run with nothing but the prior long run in the training books. 

Six weeks to Go!

Today, Saturday, Feb. 1st marks six weeks until the Marathon so I REALLY have to get dialed in. Here's my plan:

  1. I'm going to be more consistent with the runs. I have to be. 

  2. I'm gong to be more consistent with the strength training - twice per week. 

  3. I'm going to be more consistent with stretching. I'm sure it's been helping my legs not feel heavy so I have to keep it going and not get lazy with it. 

  4. I'm still working out nutrition. So far, I think what works best is a couple boxes of raisins, a chewy granola bar and lime Gatorade. That' what I've been taking on my long runs. I have a little snack and a sip every 3 miles or 45 minutes depending on how I feel. 
  5. I need to lose weight! I started January at 195 and ended January at 195. While I didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose any either. I really need to slim down. 195lbs is just too much for me. I'm officially obese per the BMI chart (which I hate). The Rock is technically obese, but I'm not muscular so I have no excuse. For every pound I can lose, I should gain 30 - 60 seconds per mile. For a marathon, that's 13 to 26 minutes faster. In the first week of Hurricane Helene, I was down to 177lbs. I can't believe I've gained it all back. I had heard that some runners gain weight while training for a marathon, but I didn't think it would be me. I suppose, even though I lost some weight, I'm where I was when I started training so it's not as bad as gaining weight really. I just have lost any overall. 

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Marathon Training Update: Week of Feb. 2nd.

As I mentioned in my last post, last week was not great. While I did run 16 miles for my long, I spent the rest of the week with back pain. ...