Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can I Run a 5K in Vibrams?

Many people ask me about my new Vibram Five Finger KSOs.  What are they like?  Are they comfortable? Can I run a 5K in the Vibrams?

I've had them for several weeks now but had been keeping my training runs short...just a mile or so.  Yesterday, I decided to head down to the Hominy Creek trailhead and run to Carrier Park and back...a total of 3.2 miles.  I had no problem running in them what-so-ever.  This particular run is mostly paved trail, but there was some wood-chip trails too.  That part was heaven. The pavement can still be a little hard, but I'm sort of used to it now.

I went out for a nice easy run since this was going to be the farthest I'd run in them, so when I had to stop and give directions, I wasn't upset at all.  Turns out, I was running a pretty good pace without realizing it.  Despite my minute or so stop to give directions to a lost motorist, I still ran one of my faster times for that route.

All in all - a big "thumbs up" to the Vibrams!

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