Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is P90X Good for Beginners?

Switching from my Running Coach hat to my Certified Personal Trainer hat - I often am asked what I think of Tony Horton's P90X program.  I have to say - the infomercials make it sound really good.  I decided to buy a used copy that someone was selling on Craigslist here in Asheville so I could give it a try.

Honestly, I find it all a little funny how everyone acts like "muscle confusion" is something new that Tony Horton invented.   As a certified personal trainer and someone with significant coursework in Kinesiology, I've heard about "adaptation" and the need for variety in a workout for a long time.  Tony just managed to package the concept and make a kick-butt infomercial that is on ALL the time.

Anyway - to the program.  You really need to decide what level of shape you are in.  If you (a guy) can do15 push ups and 3 pull ups, then you can probably handle this, although it will definitely kick your butt!  I did the "Core Synergy" dvd with my wife tonight and it's tough.  What's fun is that there were some variations of exercises that I hadn't tried before.  It really does wake up your body.

My advice - If you can't keep up, just do what you can do.  Hit "pause" if you need to...build up slow.  As Tony says - "Do your best, and forget the rest." Even the manual says it's a serious workout - hence the "X" for extreme!  They recommend Power 90 (the original one) or the newer 10 Minute Trainer.  I think that's good advice personally.  Some of the moves were rather complex and they don't show you the moves until they are doing them in the workout.

PROS: Fun, lot's of variety, challenging, Tony is a riot...very funny and very motivating.

CONS: Difficult at first to follow the moves that are new, possibly too challenging for the type of person the ad really appeals to in my opinion. 

I enjoyed the workout so much, I'm considering becoming a Team Beach Body Coach.  I would certainly recommend P90X and from what I've seen, and my own workouts that I've designed, the 10 Minute Trainer looks great too...much more suited for beginners.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John, nice post about P90X. If you would like to find out more about the TBB Coaching, I'm hosting a Super Saturday Event on Jan 7. I'm also starting a Free Fit Club in Asheville on Jan. 3. Here's a link if you want to know more. http://www.ashevilleteambeachbody.com


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