Monday, September 5, 2022

100 Day Challenge: Week Seven Complete

A new start

Well, I did get better towards the end of this past week but it was too little too late. My weigh in this morning was 191.8 lbs. Down .2 lbs. from last week but it should have been more. I mentioned in my last post that I ran again this past Saturday and it was good to be active again. Also, yesterday's hike was so nice and relaxing.

Day 43: Monday, August 29th

As I mentioned above, I weighed in at 191.8 lbs. Still over 190 but oh well...I'm still down overall. Weight loss (contrary to popular belief) is not a continuous downward trend. It very often looks like a wave pattern. dips and rises but with an overall downward progression. 

I skipped breakfast. I also hit snooze three times so I didn't exercise this morning. But I am very motivated to run tonight and also to do a workout with my dumbbells later on.

For lunch, I wasn't really hungry. I have some things in the house I could eat but I just don't want any of it. Instead, I opted for a Belvita Breakfast Biscuit, cup of Green tea and two slices of Pumpernickel, toasted with butter. 

At dinner, I had a Wendy's classic and medium fries. I didn't mean to get fries but they were in the bag. I just had water to drink.

I did exercise! I did 10 curls and 10 overhead presses with 20lb dumbbells.

Day 44: Tuesday, August 30th

Breakfast: Skipped Breakfast

Lunch: Canned salmon on 2 Sourdough bread slices

Dinner: Spinach pasta w/2 zucchini fritters (like potato pancakes). I also had a blue moon light beer. Not sure why I grabbed one out of the fridge, but I did. 

Exercise: 10 curls and 10 overhead presses with 20lb dumbbells.

Day 45: Wednesday, August 31st

Breakfast: Skipped breakfast

Lunch: Leftover spinach pasta w/canned salmon

Dinner: 2 hot dogs on buns and a salmon burger on a bun. Also had a salad.

Exercise: 10 curls and 10 overhead presses with 20lb dumbbells.

Day 46: Thursday, September 1st

Breakfast: Skipped breakfast

Lunch: McDonald's 2 Cheeseburger meal w/fries and a medium Coke

Dinner: 2 slices of cauliflower pizza with mushrooms and a salad

Exercise: 10 curls and 10 overhead presses with 20lb dumbbells.

Day 47: Friday, September 2nd

Breakfast: Skipped breakfast

Lunch: Banana & Leftover cauliflower pizza w/mushrooms 

Dinner: Panera Bread Co. - Had a Mediterranean bowl with chicken and just water to drink. I also had half an ice cream sandwich and glass of wine. 

Exercise: I took the night off from weights.

Day 48: Saturday, September 3rd

Breakfast: I had something my wife made. It was scrambled eggs, asparagus, & potatoes. It was in a casserole dish so it was something like an omelet. I also had a big slice of coffee cake that she made as well as a piece of plain pumpernickel and a piece with grape jelly. No idea why, but I was ravenous this morning. 

Lunch: It's unlike me to eat breakfast so I was not hungry at all when lunch rolled around. 

Dinner: I had salmon with asparagus and zucchini. I had a light blue moon beer and an ice cream sandwich for dessert. 

Exercise: I did my usual 10 x 20 lb dumbbell workout. Just curls and overhead presses.

Day 49: Sunday, September 4th

Breakfast: I skipped breakfast but did workout as you'll see below with my wife in the a.m.

Lunch: We went out to brunch with my son and daughter which was so amazing! We went to a place in Asheville called Tupelo Honey. I had the scrambled eggs with bacon, sausage, tomatoes and challa toast. I had a water and a mimosa to drink. 

Dinner: I had a Rocky's Hot Chicken Shack, Chicken BLT with pimento cheese sandwich and french fries. I just had water to drink.

Exercise: First think in the morning, my wife and I worked out together. We did Curls, Tricep extensions, overhead presses and then she did should raises and I did Bulgarian Split Squats. She used different weights. I used 15 lb. dumbbells for everything. 

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