Sunday, October 16, 2022

100 Day Challenge: Week Thirteen Complete

 Well, Didn't make much progress last week. Basically I just held steady. I weighed in this morning at 190.6 lbs. I think I actually gained .2 since last week but I'd have to look back to be sure. Overall, I've lost weight during this 100 day challenge. Just not as much as I had hoped. But again, if you look back over the 12 other posts so far, you can see I haven't really been good about sticking to eating better, working out or anything else for that matter. Trying to diet during election season when I'm traveling, exhausted, and trying to keep my head above water was not the best time for this challenge, but oh well. 

I started today off at 190.6 (mentioned above) and I actually got up and went for a 2 mile run. It actually felt good. Not very fast, but nothing hurt and it's been two weeks probably since I ran last. I have been hiking a lot instead of running, but I just don't feel like it's a great workout for me. 

Day 85: Monday, October 10th

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Chicken sandwich on wheat w/mayo

Dinner:  Popeye's chicken sandwich, fries and a medium Coke

Exercise: Ran in the a.m. before work. 2 miles easy. Felt good actually. I ran the whole way. Last time I ran, I walked the last quarter mile. 

Day 86: Tuesday, October 11th

Breakfast: skip

Lunch:   McDonald's fish sandwich, fries and a medium Coke

Dinner: Ordered Chinese food. Got chicken and mixed veggies with white rice and an egg roll. I had a mini-Coke to drink.

Exercise: 1.64 mile fartlek in the a.m. before work.

Day 87: Wednesday, October 12th

Only two weeks until the end of my 100 Day Challenge! Wow, it's coming up fast. 

Breakfast: skip

Lunch: I had a crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich on wheat

Dinner: Tonight, i made butternut squash ravioli with a pumpkin butternut squash sauce. I also made veggies and bread. I had water to drink but later had a mini-Coke to drink.


Day 88: Thursday, October 13th

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Chicken tenders, mac & cheese, a biscuit and a bottle of water

Dinner: Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich and a mini-Coke

Exercise: 1.64 mile tempo run - fastest time this year for this course!! I started out thinking I'd do another fartlek, but when I got to the point where I was going to slow down, I felt really good, so I went farther, then farther and I just kept pushing the whole way. It was such a great feeling! 

Day 89: Friday, October 14th

Breakfast: skip    

Lunch: PB & J on wheat with water to drink

Dinner: BBQ Ribs, baked potato, cole slaw and a beer

Easy two miles

Day 90: Saturday, October 15th

Breakfast: PB & J w/Honey on wheat

Lunch: Cheeseburger, tots, pork rines and a beer

Dinner: I was super full from lunch and just had a Coke around dinner time. I had no appetite at all.

Hiked 1.5 miles at Max Patch.

Day 91: Sunday, October 16th - ONLY 10 DAYS REMAINING

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Arby's prime rib cheesesteak w/crinkle fries and a small Coke

Dinner: Beef w/mushrooms from a Chinese restaurant

Today was supposed to be a long run day, but I had a ton of things on my to do list and my back was hurting for some reason. I raked, mowed, did laundry, took the car for an oil change and inspection, changed out 2 old register diffusers and replaced a toilet seat. Not of it was hard labor per say but I was definitely going non-stop all day dealing with projects and my honey-do list.

In addition, this was the first week all year...possibly in several years...that I ran four times in a single week. My ego really wanted to run a long run, but I think the universe was looking out for me. It's good to ramp up mileage slowly. 

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